Hi there! Happy Wednesday!
We had a wonderful long weekend with my parents and I want to share some of our favorite pictures! Almost all of these pictures are from our day at the zoo, but we also had a great time boating, swimming, and relaxing at our lake cottage : )
Hailey ready to get her sunscreen on (if you don’t want to shell out almost $20 at the giftshop, don’t forget sunscreen like we did! oopsies!) so we can explore the zoo!!
Mandatory picture by the entrance to the zoo ; ) Next year we will have 3 little ones…one for each letter…in this pic!!
Ready to go!!
Riding the train!! Choo Choo!
Train selfie!!
Voting for the conservation project! We all voted for the penguins…Hailey’s choice : ) : )
SOMEWHERE there are picures of me with this same drinking fountain (ahem…mom!! haha) …I GEEK over tradtions like this!!
Safari guide!!
Oh no big deal…just Connor LIVING HIS DREAM and feeding a giraffe! His favorite animal, by far!
We weren’t sure he would recognize them or even like them in person…he was IN LOVE!! It totally made my weekend to see that joy on his face!!
Zuri the giraffe : )
Hailey loves music of any kind so this was a fun moment for her!!
My little loves!!
Hailey LOVED when the animals were nice and close!! She talked to this Orangutan for a bit!!
We worked hard to get her the exact animal she wanted!! It had to be the panda WITH the bamboo ; )
If there aren’t any giraffes I guess this kitty will do ; )
My mom is the at getting pictures like this in the perfect spot on rides!
Meet Connor’s newest giraffe friend, Zuri ; )
Morning boat ride with my girlie!!
Hailey was packing for school! One more week till pre-school! AHHH!
Connor picked the giraffe, and Hailey opted for the pink penguin : ) We named her Icee because Hailey had her first taste of an ICEE at the zoo ; )
Do you enjoy these picture posts? I love showing off my family with you : ) Stay tuned for a *GENDER REVEAL* coming up pretty soon!! So get excited!!! Please subscribe and share! Have a wonderful rest of your week and don’t forget to check out my Leah’s Friday Five on the Pearls and Pastries Shop Blog this Friday!!