Hi there! Happy Monday!
Today I want to do something a little bit different and just talk to you and maybe have a conversation in the comments. I was going to reveal my new hair to all of you, but that’s NOT happening, unfortunately. For the first time ever I had to sit in a chair at a salon that I will not name for the big “reveal” after a cut, color, and highlight and fake a small smile while I panicked trying to find the right words to tell my stylist, who I will also not name, who I have known for several years, that I was unhappy. YIKES!
Okay, let’s stop here…who here has had what I mentioned above happen on some way or another at a salon? Let me know if you’ve ever been there! Hopefully you haven’t, because again, YIKES!
I was proud of myself for at least not gushing “I love it! It’s perfect” like would have been easy to do, and like she seemed to expect. And, to be fair, I have always said that and meant it in the past. Now, I ABSOLUTELY REALIZE that hair coloring isn’t always easy and that there are lots of things to consider that I don’t understand because I am not a hair stylist. I know that my stylist was trying to do a good job and give me beautiful color. I do think that it was a situation where she *probably* could tell that I didn’t like it, and of course was trying to talk it up as anyone would, but it’s just so far from what I wanted. And she said maybe it was the lighting, but oh no no it wasn’t the lighting.
What did you do if you saw that you didn’t like it?
I could only muster that I was a little shocked and that I thought I needed some time to get used to it. Fast forward to me in my car and I start crying! Big sobs! I texted my husband and then decided I had to tell my stylist.
If this has happened to you, what did you do? Nothing? Cry in the chair? Demand a refund? Call or text your stylist or salon?
I was in a slightly different situation than is probably typical in that I have known my stylist for years and had lunch with her socially, so I texted her. I considered calling her, but I thought that both of us would apprecaite being able to think for a second about what we wanted to say and I knew it was the only way I would be able to say how I really felt, nicely, without being *too* nice and pretending it was okay. It wasn’t okay. I was sobbing nasty mascara running sobs in my car.
So, I got brave and texted her a long rambling text (sort of like this post! hah!) saying that I had never felt this way after having her color it before and felt awful but I just wasn’t happy at all with my hair. My stylist was, as I expected, SUPER nice, told me not to apologize and that she would get me in this week to fix it.
So, I will definitely be doing a follow up post but today I just wanted to keep it real and talk about a moment that wasn’t Instagram picture perfect. Please tell me if you’ve ever had this happen OR what you would do if this happened to you.
I have some fun hauls coming up because my birthday is this week so stay tuned!!Thank you SO much for reading and give me the best birhday gift and LeahTackles.com anniversary gift by subscribing if you haven’t already. If you have already subscribed, thank you! I love you! And please share : )

Jo says
This happened to me several years ago. After the birth of my first child I wanted a change before I headed back to work.. Off I went to a beauty school with a photo and and idea of what I wanted.. The stylist was very nice but once she got going I knew this wasn’t going to end well. Needless to say when she was “done” I was speechless.. Her instructor came over and well I said can we fix it… So what was supposed to be layers ended in a short pixie! It was hard to say to Her with Her teacher there but it’s how we learn. Had I just paid and left she wouldn’t know how to get better.. My new motto became its only hair it will grow!!!
leahtackles@gmail.com says
Oh wow!! Yes that would definitely be hard but you’re so right at a salon school like that it is EXTRA important so they can learn! Just think of all the people who should be thanking you today ; ) Great motto! It is definitely in the scheme of things NOT a huge deal! <3 Thank you for sharing!! XO
Torey says
I love the title lol. I can’t wait to see it after you get it re-done! I hope it turns out amazing! 🙂
leahtackles@gmail.com says
Haha thank you! I decided to keep it real today 😉 Thank you!!! ME TOO!
Heather says
This hasn’t happened to me as far as coloring goes, but one time I got my hair cut and my stylist that I also had been seeing for years pushed me into a hair cut I didn’t think I’d like and it turned out I hated it. I smiled it off, but went home crying. I never said anything, and I didn’t go back to her again. That experience taught me to go with my gut and not be pressured into anything just to please a stylist. Haven’t had a bad experience since 🙂 I think you handled your situation perfectly and I can’t wait to see the final results!
leahtackles@gmail.com says
That is so true!! It is so easy to be somehow talked into something without even realizing what you’re approving at the hair salon for some reason isn’t it?! And of all places that is one where you should really explain what you want and when they clarify make sure it sounds right being repeated back to you!!! Thank you!