Hi there! Happy Monday!
Thank you for stopping by! I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend : ) Mine was jam-packed as always, and lots of fun! But yesterday, it SNOWED! I mean, come on spring! Does anyone else still have snow?
Today I want to talk about using Milk of Magnesia as a primer for oil control because the information out there for this beauty hack is so conflicting. I am keeping it SUPER basic and explaining to the best of my knowledge. So, let’s get into it!
What IS Milk of Magnesia:
Milk of Magnesia can be used as a laxative and an antacid. It its liquid form, it is a white suspension of hydrated magnesium carbonate in water.
Why It Works For Oil Control:
Magnesium carbonate effectively breaks down wax esters (if you took chemistry, you may remember esters which are a chemical compound that break down acids and if you haven’t taken it yet here is a fun preview–haha). So, Milk of Magnesia works as a de-greaser when applied to your skin.
Why You May Not Want To Use It Daily:
To put it simply, it is alkaline. Alkaline means that something has a pH greater than 7. Remember how I said it can be used as an anacid? Well it does the same thing when applied on your face, so it breaks down your skins natural acid which you need to fight off bacteria.
How I Use It As a Primer:
After I put on my moisturizer but before my foundation I apply a tiiiiiny bit on any areas that are oil-prone. Only use a tiny bit, because it is white and will leave a white film. I rub it in really well, and really quickly, and then apply my makeup as usual.
Do I Use It?:
Yes, I use Milk of Magneisa on my face, ON SPECIAL OCCASIONS ONLY! If you have an event, such as a July wedding, to attend and you need your makeup to stay on all day long, I *personally* say go for it! It truly works, and coming from a girl who gets an oily nose or t-zone by noon, when I use this I don’t have to use pressed power at all! I have used this trick probably 5 times in the course of several years. I would LOVE to find a makeup primer that would do this for me everyday, however I am not about to mess with my skins pH levels in that way. I definitely discourage the use of this regularly because it can mess with the chem class going on on yo face, and make you breakout <–nobody wants that!
*Note: I am *NOT* a dermotologist, I am just a girl who heard a tip a few years ago and has used it on a few occasions.
I hope that this was helpful and that you enjoyed it! I have a few more beauty tricks that I use on occasion up my sleeve, so stay tuned for that! We can turn this into a little series : ) Who doesn’t want to get those awful sunless tanner faux pas hands clean?
Tell me your favorite beauty tips in the comments below! And if you get oily, especially in the upcoming (I hope they’re coming..!) summer months, what is your favorite way to fight it? I would, as always, LOVE to hear from you!!
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[…] few weeks ago I shared a beauty trick I that love (Milk of Magnesia Primer? Yes or No? My Thoughts) and after doing that post, I decided that I would share some more tips here and there. The trick I […]