Hi there! Happy Monday!
If you’re part of “Bachelor Nation” and watch shows such as the ABC network hit The Bachelor, then you probably know Michelle Money. I am a huge fan of Michelle’s, and have learned a lot by watching her different YouTube channels. Several years ago I saw a video where Michelle showed how she shaves her face (watch it here) and after seeing that I did a little more research and today I want to share with you WHY and HOW I shave my face.
Why I Do It
I have very fine, blond peach fuzz on my face but after seeing the video tutorial Michelle showed I was intrigued. One thing I found both in Michelle’s video as well as other articles I found on the topic, was how men typically look younger because shaving their face regularly is a form of exfoliating their face on a very regular basis! Regularly exfoliating is a great way to really amp up the function of the skincare that you’re already using, too, because it allows products to really be absorbed into the skin. I love that my skin looks beautiful and smooth, plus this makes makeup apply flawlessly. Essentially you are removing a layer of dead skin cells, so dermaplaning like they do at skin spas, but for only a couple of dollars and in the comfort of your own home. And just like shaving your legs will *NOT* make the hair come back thicker or darker, the same is true for shaving your face this way… that is a myth! Your hair on your face will come back in exactly how it was when you started!
How I Do It
I don’t have a set schedule doing this, but typically try to do this about every week or every other week. I use the Tinkle (yes, “tinkle”) brand eye brow razors to do this, but most “eye brow razors” will work for this. *Note: I NEVER use these “eye brow” razors to shave my eye brows and think that you should keep razors FAR away from your brows! Pluck, wax, or thread of your brows please! I begin with clean and dry skin, use a single-blade, single-edge razor, hold my skin taut with one hand, and then shave in upward motions holding the razor at a 45 degree angle. I avoid around my eye area, my eye brows, and anything too close to my hair line, focusing on my cheeks and by my ears. I also love to do this before I do microdermabrasion which I do at home using my PMD. After I shave I skip toner and I make sure to use a lot of moisturizer so that you skin isn’t dried out.
Final Thoughts
I don’t think this is a “must” by any means. Please only do what you are comfortable with. I suggest starting with just a little bit, perhaps the peach fuzz on your jaw line, and then see how it goes for you. If you’re under 18 years old please ask your parents before you begin incorporating this into your skincare routine. If you do decide to try this, always be careful and make sure to clean the blade after and don’t use a dull blade on your face because just like your legs a dull blade will make you more likely to nick yourself.
Thank you for reading and please leave any requests or questions in the comments below! I want to talk about what YOU want to hear! xx

Kathy says
I have always wondered about this. Thanks for your great review!
leahtackles@gmail.com says
Yes, the information & myths out there can make it a tricky subject! But, this technique works very well! Thank you for reading!