Hi there! Happy Monday!
I have been seeing more and more rhinestone fringe jean jackets. I especially love Daniel Diamond’s designs, but they are out of my price range. During quarantine I decided I wanted to DIY my own and today I want to share my final product with you.

You Will Need
-A jean jacket. I purchased this one from Time and Tru from Walmart. If you prefer a more fitted style, this jacket is super cute too. I also love this white Time and Tru jacket and think it would look stunning with gold fringe.
–E6000 or E6000 Plus ( I used Plus)
-Fringe! I ordered one yard of this from an Etsy shop but shipping took a LONG time (about 6 weeks). It is stunning quality and affordable. This one from Amazon is also beautiful.
Lay your jacket on a flat surface with a layer of paper incase you get glue on it (okay, I totally didn’t do that but our kitchen table got lucky…don’t tell my husband!) with the back of the jacket facing up. For my jacket one yard went from one elbow, up the arm, across the yolk, and down the other arm ending at the other elbow. I moved it so it was just below the seam so I could start squeezing the glue along the seam. I squeezed about 3 inches of glue at a time and pressed the fringe into the glue, and then continued 3 inches at a time. I let the jacket lay flat to dry for several hours before moving it, and left it flat for a full 24 hours before wearing it.
Have you ever DIY’d something great? Let me know in the comments!
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