Hi there! Happy Monday!
Now, get your mind out of the gutter to which it probably went based on today’s title! Today I want to talk about funny things that people (or specifically myself/my family) do behind closed hotel room doors. Take a peek and be sure to let me know if you do any of these things, or what “secret” hotel confessions you have (let’s keep it PG people!).
Do you remember that Episode of “Friends” where Ross teaches Chandler how to steal EVERYTHING in the room as long as it isn’t nailed to the floor? [ Season 9 Episode 19] Well we don’t go *that* crazy…no remote batteries or raiding of the maid cart, but we do take what is offered that we may use. We stay in a hotel at least once a month, and the first thing we do every time we get to the hotel is take a bag and pack up everything we can to take home. Coffee, tea bags, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, paper towels, dishwasher detergent, kleenex, hotel magnents…we pack it all up ; )
#2 Organizing the Room
I love when things are neat and tidy, and I love that when we stay at a hotel room I can unpack everything perfectly in a short window of time! I set everything up just so, and I love it because I can do it so fast that I actually have time to relax because it isn’t like home where there is never ending laundry, dishes, chores, work, etc.
#3 Food Binge
We usually order food in (young kids + restaurants = not relaxing) and did you know calories don’t count when you’re out of town? (<-That’s a lie but I act like it’s true!). ALWAYS order the cheesecake when you’re staying at a hotel.
#4 TV Binge
At home we have wifi, Netflix, and Hulu plus, but no cable, so when we are at a hotel? We binge watch and it’s usually The Food Network, HGTV, or The Discovery Channel. And when you’re in a hotel room the TV can be on ALL.THE.TIME because like mentioned in #2 you aren’t home to do all the work that usually is staring you in the face.
#5 Imaginination Station
Even though sometimes traveling isn’t for fun reasons, and it’s a lot of work as an adult, I still like to make up stories and imagine I’m somewhere completely fabulous on a fancy vacation. Hotel rooms are lots of things, but also a tiny bit of that excited “OH MY GOSH MOM DOES THIS HOTEL HAVE A POOL?!!” always comes out of me when I’m there.
Do any of these things apply to you? Do you love hotels? Hate them? Talk to me in the comments! I know this post was pretty random, but I thought it would be a fun one : ) Thank you for reading.