Hi there! Happy Monday!
I hope that you all had an amazing weekend! And if you watched Super Bowl 50 I hope you enjoyed the game, or at least the yummy snacks and the commercials. I didn’t watch the game because I am currently “on an adventure” as I’ve been calling it while my middle kiddo, Connor, attends a special clinic away from our home. I like to throw in a few personal posts, or picture posts once in awhile, but the main focus of LeahTackles.com is still beauty and lifestyle (the lifestyle includes my little loves!). However, if you’d like to follow along you can subscribe to Our Daily Vlog Channel: KwapisFamilyTackles to watch my husband, Stephan, my oldest, Hailey, Connor, and our baby (who is no longer a baby but will always be the baby), Logan, and myself living out our adventure each day.
Connor Wanting a Monday Morning Caffeine Jolt:
Thank you for reading!! xo