Hi there! Happy Wednesday!
I hope that you are all having a fantastic week so far. If you are a Beauty Insider rewards program member with Sephora then you may have seen that Too Faced Cosmetics recently had a 500 Point Perk that featured a mini limited edition palette featuring their Chocolate Soleil Bronzer and three colors from the Chocolate Bar Palette, a deluxe size sample of the Better Than Sex Mascara, and a deluxe size sample of Chocolate Melted Liquified Lipstick in Chocolate Honey. The Chocolate Bar Palette is one of my favorites, so today I thought it would be fun to share three of my favorite shadow pairings from the palette. Be sure to check out my video at the bottom of this post and watch it on YouTube to see my swatches, tutorial, and to enter the giveaway to win your own set of the 500 Point Perk.
Too Faced Cosmetics Chocolate Bar Palette:
Champagne Truffle, Salted Caramel, and Semi-Sweet (the colors included in the 500 Point Perk):
Without Flash:
With Flash:
White Chocolate, Marzipan, and Creme Brulee:
Without Flash:
With Flash:
Champagne Truffle, Milk Chocolate, Cherry Cordial, and Amaretto:
Without Flash:
With Flash:
If you have this palette, let me know your favorite shades in the comments section of this post! Thank you so much for reading my blog and supporting me : ) Please subscribe! xx

Rowan says
Hi! I just recently found your blog from your youtube channel! I’ve been binge watching your videos and eventually got lead here from your giveaway video. I’ve been wanting to try out the two faced chocolate bar palette or the sweet peach palette for a while… but sadly I’m living the broke college girl life and instead just live vicariously through all the beauty youtubers and bloggers haha. Anyways, keep up the good work! I really enjoy your reviews and videos!
Ola says
I like those colors.
Suzanne G says
I do not have the Too Faced Chocolate Bar palette but I find the colours very wearable and pretty.
Charlene Macaysa says
That’s awesome swatch.
Heather P. says
Love the colors! The look you did in the video looks beautiful <3 xo
Saishna Kishore says
Cintia says
I love that palette
Gwendolyn Jordan says
The colors are beautiful
Cee says
I seriously have to smell this palette everytime I’m in Sephora (which is like twice a year lol) but it will never get old! The colors look gorgeous and the look you did with the sample sizes was stunning! Loved it all!
Emma Chandler says
I love two face products! They recently released their unicorn line and I am eyeing the brushes so badly.
Nicole says
Not only is the packaging on this palette adorable but I heard it also smells really good too! The high quality makeup is just an extra 😉 haha Love your youtube channel!
Lizbeth Gonzalez says
The pigment is awesome!
Renée says
This palette is GORGEOUS. I’ve been stalking this for forever. I can’t wait to get my hands on one. So many beautiful neutral colors.
Jeann Ong says
the mini one has all the pretty colours!
and so glad that the formula is the same so pretty <3 love your swatch
Erika says
So pretty! Would love to win this!
isabelle says
love this palette!
valerie yace says
i am such a fan of the chocolate bar palette but ive been wanting to try out the chocolate soleil bronzer
Kalyn says
such a cute palette!!