Hi there! Happy Monday!
I hope that you had a fantastic weekend!
Hailey came home from school a couple of weeks ago and when I asked if she did anything fun in school she said, “Yes! Yoga!” I was amazed (how 2015!) but loved it! I think we all know that it’s important to teach kids to eat well and to exercise, but what does that really mean? Well, to me that should start as early as possible! Our kids see us exericse, and eat healthy (usually!) and we try to show them how fun being active can be. Today I want to share a few simple ways for you to get active with your kids, but these would work on your own too ; )
1. Have a Dance Party
This is without a doubt my go-to move with the kids when we are starting to get stressed, frazzled, or need a break! I turn on some music, and we all dance!
2. Walk While You Wait
If we are early to practice or have time where we would just be sitting, I try to do laps or walk around with my kids. It doesn’t always stop tantrums, but it usually helps and you sneak a little exercise in too.
3. Have Your Kids Teach You
I try to always ask what Hailey learned at practice, and sometimes I ask her to teach me. She gets much more excited about kicking a ball if she’s teaching me how to do it.
4. Play At The Kids Place
If you can bounce at the bounce house (HELLO calorie burn!) or climb through the tubes at a play place, do it! I still remember my dad crawling through the tubes with me and I did the same with Hailey a few months ago. *Sidenote: Dad! Thank you! My knees KILLED doing that, but Hailey was so excited.
5. Get Active Hobbies
Take your kids on a date (or your signicant other or friend!) to go ice skating, ride horses, or go hiking. You will have awesome memories and foster a love for physical activity.
6. Keep Up With Them
This is the simpliest of all, but it is so true! No, I am not at all perfect and sometimes I do sit back or scroll on my phone, but I try to make a real effort to play with my kids. If you have ever seen a kid run, jump, climb, and run some more, you know it’s a major workout.
Let me know your ideas for working in an active lifestyle in the comments! Thank you for reading : ) Please subscribe and share!