Hi there! Happy Monday!
Logan is going to be 3 months old in a few days (ahhhhh!!!!) and we have a nice little groove now…kinda ; ) So, I thought today would be a good time to share some of my favorite baby items that weren’t as obvious initally. I have had three babies in three and a half years, so I feel like now I really have figured out the items that *I* find essential.
First, I want to say that I have definitely learned that every baby is different, and so some things that I did need for one I didn’t even use for another. Also, all families are different, so what fits your schedule and lifestyle may be totally different than what has worked for our family. If YOU (yes YOU!) have input I would love to see your comments, and maybe they could help out parents-to-be who are reading.
Second, I know a lot of parents laugh about how they bought x, y, z for their first baby but didn’t use it or it was a waste, but I don’t completely agree. I think that with the first baby you’re figuring out what works for you and your family, and that is the time to get all that big stuff if you want to do so. I got a swing, bouncer, jumperoo, exersaucer, bumbo, playmat, etc for my first and I am glad I did it then. And no, I didn’t need ALL of that baby gear, but we did use it all in one way or another. My one tip would be buy gender neutral if you plan to have more kids in the near-ish future, or plan to keep nice for resale. So let’s be nice to first time moms and dads and if they *need* a wipes warmer, let them (I actually never used a wipes warmer for Hailey, my oldest, but used it for months with Connor, my middle child!). Okay, let’s get on with it!
I love this thing! I picked a gender neutral tan color that Stephan can also wear comfortably. This is so much easier than a stoller somtimes, and also awesome for around the house when you need to get things done but baby wants to be close to you (aw!). I have also heard amazing things about the Tula carrier.
My Breast Friend Nursing Pillow
This thing kicks Boppy butt in my opinion! I had a really hard time nursing Hailey initially, and this helped so much! I use this for every feed with Logan, too. This will save your back, your boobs, and is worth every penny.
This is the only major item that is new to us with Logan and BELIEVE the type! This thing is wonderful for home, but also folds up in a second for travel! I love this for when we head over to my in-laws for the day. We have a simple one that just vibrates, and it was worth every single penny!!
If you choose to skip the travel system and opt for a different stroller (I went with a Britax B-Ready and it’s THE BOMB), consider getting one of these, too! I LOVE being able to snap the carseat in when running into a store or when I’m not wanting to take the big stroller.
We love this! And we use it for so much more than just bottles! It is also fantastic for taking baby food out and about with you, or really any food! We got ours when our almost 4 year old was a baby, and it’s held up perfectly!
This is amazing for taking snacks on the go. I love that you can take the whole stack or just one, it’s compeltely customizable. I’ve seen them used for formula as well.
I love having a fan or some white noise while I sleep, and I’m making my kids love it too ; ) But in all seriousness, this works SO well for us. I like that this one can be plugged in or you can use batteries. We own two of this same one!
Buy lots.
We had two or three big fancy-smancy first aid type kits when Hailey was born, and while those are definitely great to have in your closet and emergency kit, for every day use buy something like this. I got one for Hailey and STILL use it for her nail clippers, and hair ties when we travel. I use the boys for travel sized lotions, diaper cream, and nail clippers.
You don’t need these, I don’t have these exact ones but I am kind of drooling over them now, but get some small wet bags or even zip locks if you don’t want to spend the money on this set! It happens EVERY time I go somewhere; I perfectly organize and pack the diaper bag only to have it completely disheveled after one diaper change or one boo-boo. I have a diaper bag with clear interior pockets, and that is awesome, too. But, no matter how awesome your diaper bag is, I definitely suggest having bags organized so that everytime you need something you’re not flustered while juggling your kid(s) and a disorganized bag.
Boon Drying Rack with Flower and Tree
This is a no-fuss way to dry bottles! And, even if you’re breastfeeding exclusively, it is also awesome for pump parts. We have two “lawns”, one “grass”, two “trees”, and four “flowers” and I’m proud! Someday we will have a clear counter, babe! ; )
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