Hi there! Happy Monday!
I wear neutrals almost exclusively. White, black, beige, gray, navy, denim, and I also consider blush and olive in the neutral category. I do not wear patterns or florals, but I do wear stripes, leopard print, plaid (buffalo check and gingham), and the occasional polka dot. But, why? Do I hate all colors? No, not at all…let me explain.

Why I Only Wear Neutrals
I love clothes, and if you could hear me in a store? “Cute. Cute. Cute! That’s cute”. But I hated not haven’t a definite style. In high school I wore the typical Abercrombie, Hollister, and American Eagle garb that was popular amongst high schoolers at the time. In college my wardrobe bounced around a lot, until I got a job at Abercrombie where we wore “core colors”. I LOVED it. What do I wear today? Navy, gray, or white. In my mid-twenties, now no longer working for Abercrombie, I bounced around and just bought whatever I thought was “cute” but didn’t really know what my style was. It was then that I decided to start figuring out more clearly what I liked, what I wanted my style to say to the world, and how to build a capsule wardrobe.
I went through my closet and pulled out anything I could sell or donate. I still do this every few months.
I now only buy neutral colors and it is a GAME CHANGER.
Why I Love Neutrals
- Versatile
- Timeless
- Looks high-end (especially black. Black faux leather, black blazers even if inexpensive, look luxe)
- You can invest (I haven’t done a lot of this yet, but if I spend $$$ on a classic piece that I’ll have forever that’s way better than on something trendy or that I won’t like in 2 years)
- It’s so much easier to shop. I get to ignore 75% of every store or clothing section.
- You can repeat and mix-and-match outfits easily (Once you get pictures in a floral dress, it’s far harder to repeat, no?)
Neutral Outfit Examples
A few great neutrals on Amazon to get you started.
Do you prefer neutrals? Or are you all about color and patterns?
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