Hi there! Happy TUESday!
I usually post on a Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule, but I wanted to throw in a little bonus post today with a few pictures of my family on Easter Sunday! We had a great day starting with baskets, then church, and then over to my in-laws for an egg hunt before Easter dinner. We got a few sweet pictures of our kiddos, and then my husband, Stephan, snapped a few quickly of me before dinner! I hope that you enjoy them and have a fabulous week! XO
My 2-year-old (almost 3!), Hailey, hunting for eggs!
My Husband and our 1- year -old, Connor, after dinner! Can you say TWINS?!?
It is still pretty chilly here, but at least the ground is mostly snow-free!
Oh Hiiii iPhone-that-is-sticking-out-of-my-back-pocket…thanks for making an appearance ; )
Peek-a-boo : )
I hope that you enjoyed this little look into our day! Thank you so much for reading and please subscribe by entering your email into the box on the right…I promise it’s easy!!