Hi there! Happy Wednesday!
Okay, I know, it’s only October, but I want to introduce my Christmas series now so that if things I share interest you, you’ll have plenty of time to do them before the holiday season really creeps up on us!! I want to share gift guides, how I plan, DIY projects, how I budget, how I put aside extra money for the holidays, Elf On the Shelf ideas, holiday fashion, holiday traditions…the list goes on! If there are things you are interested in or would like to suggest that I post on, please let me know! I want to do what you want to read : )
Today I want to share where I start every year with my holiday planning: lists!
#1 iPhone Notes (or similar phone app)
I use the notes feature on my iPhone all year long and if I see things that the kids love, if they mention toys to me, or if I randomly think of something it goes onto a note on my phone. I don’t do anything fancy with these notes, but they a good basic that I start with every year as I begin to shop.
#2 Paper Lists for EVERYTHING
*Note: These pages are EXAMPLES and I have not included all of my lists or my lists in their entirety.
I use a large legal pad or notebook to write out a list the old fashioned way for EVERYTHING Chirstmas you could imagine. Here are some of the things I like to make lists for:
-Gift ideas
-Who we need gifts for
-DIY projects I want to do
-Recipes I want to do
-Elf On the Shelf ideas
-Decoration ideas
-“To-Buy” list for Christmas items we need that are not presents (ie: lights, decor, cookie cutters, etc)
#3 Buying Timeline List
I know some people buy a year in advance, some do it ALL on Black Friday, and some people do it the last shopping days before Christmas…and none of those are wrong! There is no wrong way to shop, you just have to figure out what works for you, your budget, and your family. For me, I like to slowly pick things up as I go but do the majority closer to the holiday. I also will store gifts that the kids may have recieved for birthdays or the Christmas before but weren’t quite ready for, because those make great gifts as well.
#4 Christmas Outfits List
I like to begin planning our Christmas outfits in fall so that I have plenty of time to gather what we need and it doesn’t break the piggy bank. I may do a seperate post on Christmas fashion, but for the most part in our family we do this:
-Christmas Eve Outfits (these are our dressy outfits)
-Christmas Outfits for Santa and other holiday events
-Christmas Jammies…oh yes, we are those people!
And just for fun, here are some pictures of some of our projects AND memories from Christmas 2013 : )
I hope that you don’t think I’m *too* crazy for titling a post about Chirstmas already and that you enjoyed this : ) Please don’t forget to let me know what you’d like to see for Christmas or holiday posts by commenting (click the link by the title of this post!).