Hi there! Happy Monday!
I hope that all of you had a great weekend! I got to spend some great time with my husband and all three kids and that just makes my heart happy! I am a person who likes to be busy, and that’s good because I am very busy (in fact more busy than even I would like!) but I am horrible about making time for myself! I know a lot of you out there, especially moms, can probably relate! It’s hard to prioritize time for yourself! As I’m sure you’ve noticed, everyone and their mother is using adult coloring books (literally, my mom has some!), so I decided to jump on the bandwagon. If you’ve been watching our daily vlogs you know that in just a couple of days our life will be getting even crazier, so I thought this would be the perfect time to try these. I am fairly crafty, but I am not an artist at all, but I am excited! I think it’s important that we do something for ourselves that is just for fun and just for us! So, in the comments, tell me something you do for yourself! And, have you tried any adult coloring books?
Thank you so much for reading! Have a wonderful week and do something for you : )