Hi there! Happy Monday!
I hope that you had a fantastic Mother’s Day celebrating yourself and/or your own mama or impactful women in your life. I believe one of the best things we can do for ourselves is taking care of our mental health, in little ways that add up, like treating myself to a fun face mask for some “me time” a few evenings each week. If you read this blog regularly, you know that I love masks (read my posts on single-use masks here) and I notice a difference in my skin on weeks when I am skipping this part of my regimen.
About the Freeman Cosmic Holographic Peel-Off Mask
This mask claims to help you get glowing with this crystal-inspired holographic mask. This iridescent mask is infused with amethyst which will hydrate and calm the skin’s complexion. This mask is perfect for dry skin.
My Thoughts
I love trying affordable single-use masks like the 7th Heaven Montagne Jeunesse and Freeman Beauty masks because I can grab them at the drugstore or grocery store for less than $2 each. I was so excited to see several new options by Freeman and a holographic mask sounded so fun. The mask color is a really fun pinky purple color, and it showed up much better on my skin than the Rose Quartz Holographic Freeman Mask I shared in a previous post (read that post here). It was easy to apply with a foundation brush like this. I enjoy the peel-off masks because they peel-off (imagine that!) quickly and some days I just don’t have the patience to remove a mud mask. My skin felt so good after using this and because I used this after using my P.M.D my skin felt extra baby-smooth.
Once again, I had a hard time finding this exact mask online! I did find a set on Amazon if you’d really like to try them, but they are much more expensive than what I paid. I purchased this at Walmart for $1.37. However, I will link the set and some of my other favorite Freeman Beauty masks.
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