Hi there! Happy Wednesday!
There are LOTS of subscription based products out there where you can’t purchase just once but are instead forced to sign up for your card to be automatically charged X amount once/month *unless* you cancel by X date. I remember having to convince my parents to let me try ProActiv because back in the day (read: early 2000’s) it was purchased in this way. If you are under 20 years old and really want your mind blown I’m pretty sure my mom had to call a 800 number because it wasn’t avaliable to order online then…but that’s a story for another day. ANYWAYS, usually I cringe at these type of services because I do not want to be locked into something. However, last fall I really wanted a pair of boots from JustFab and so I signed up for a service like this. But, because of my Type A personality, I was able to remember to cancel every month until 4th of July weekend when it slipped my mind and BAM I got a “credit” on my online profile because my card was charged. Such a rookie mistake : ( So, today I would like you to help me pick out what shoes to order by voting!!
*Note: I actually LOVE every pair of shoes (so far 3) that I have ordered from JustFab and I do think that they’re an awesome website for ordering shoes at a very affordable price. The boots I have from them are very comfortable and I’ve recieved lots of compliments on them. But, if you aren’t good at remembering things like this and you don’t think you want a new pair of shoes for $40 every month, it may not be for you.
Thank you for the help friends ; ) I hope that you have a wondeful weekend! We are going to be starting to DAILY VLOG! So stay tuned for the launch of our new family vlog (video diary) channel!