Hi there! Happy Wednesday!
I hope you are having a wonderful week so far! My hair is something that I work hard to take good care of, and whenever I find new haircare products I love to share them with you. Today I want to share a leave-in conditioner that was a purchased on a whim but is now a staple in my haircare routine.
Way to Grow Leave-In Conditioner
Product Claims
This salon formula leave-in conditioner is infused with procapil, a breakthrough combination of ingredients that’s been clinically proven to help your hair grow stronger and longer faster, Not Your Mother’s Way To Grow Leave-In Conditioner will moisturize, detangle and smooth hair while building the strength you need for healthy hair.
My Thoughts
I purchaed this because I had run out of my grail leave-in conditioner (It’s a 10) and wanted to purchase a larger size on Amazon instead of paying more for a small bottle in the stores. My first impression was that it didn’t detangle as well as It’s a 10, but it did make it much easier to comb out after showering than using no product. I kept using the product and noticed that I liked how light the spray is, how it doesn’t leave a residue or weigh down my hair, and how smooth and shiny my hair looks. I don’t notice my dry split-ends as much and my hair feels healthy! Is it making my hair grow faster? I am not sure, I am admittedly skeptical, but so far I have definitely noticed it making a healthy difference. The reviews on Ulta seem to show that it works great for those with curly hair and frizzy hair, too.
My Routine
I was my hair about three or four days a week, depending on weather and activity, and so I have been using this product several times each week. Once I am out of the shower I lightly towel dry my hair, being carefully not to rub back and forth but rather lightly squeeze out the water, and wear it in a hair towel until I am ready to comb out my hair. I like to use a Wet Brush to comb my hair, and before I do I spray my Way To Grow Leave-In Conditioner into my hair, focusing on the back and ends.
Have you tried this? Have you tried any other Not Your Mother’s products? Do you have any favorites? I would love it if you shared them in a comment so others can hear your thoughts too! Have a fantastic weekend! xx
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