Hi there! Happy Wednesday!
First I have to thank you guys for the awesome response to Monday’s post! I obviously wasn’t the only one who has had a hair salon experience go wrong. Thank you for those who commented, I really apprecaite the participation so much : )
And, I got my hair fixed!! WOOOOO! I had Stephan snap a few pictures for all of you when I got home, it isn’t the best lighting so please excuse that.
Logan is 2 months old today!!! I can’t believe it!! I will have a baby essentials post coming up soon : )
Tomorrow is my birthday AND LeahTackles.com turns 1!! I have learned a lot and have a lot to learn still, but I have enjoyed blogging so much. I am very proud to say I have never missed one post with my schedule, and am so happy I’ve stuck with it. I hope that this next year LeahTackles.com sees a lot of growth. I can’t wait to launch my YouTube and Etsy!! Stay tuned in the next couple of weeks ; )
I love you all SO much!