Hi there! Happy Wednesday!
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! It means so much to me!
We are well into winter now, and with the cold weather, dry air, and excess hand washing and sanitizing because of all the lovely germs floating around everywhere, my hands are DRY! I get dry cracked hands every winter, especially with a newborn because I’m washing my hands about every other minute ; ) I have talked before about the Neutrogena Hand Cream, and that is still a great option, but I was recently introduced to Satin Hands Pampering Set by Mary Kay and I’m in love! They come in different scents, but mine is the fragrance-free version. Below I’ll talk briefly (as I can) about the 3 products that I tried and my thoughts.
#1 Satin Hands Hand Softener
This step is really luxurious to me, and it only takes a minute so that’s perfect realistic pampering for most of us!
#2 Satin Hands Satin Smoothie Hand Scrub
I loooove this hand scrub! After rinsing my hands felt so soft, but the best part was that they remained soft afterwards.
#3 Satin Hands Hand Cream
This cream seemed pretty thin at first, especially compared to the thick gel that I am used to with my Neutrogena Hand Cream, but it absorbed quickly and didn’t leave my hands feeling greasy. Like I said, I wash my hands a lot, but I found that they still felt hydrated after multiple washings which was really nice because who seriously has the time to apply hand cream all the time? Not me! This is my new favorite hand cream!!
If you’re interested in ordering or have questions, my friend Catherine Ryan can help you! You can find her on her MaryKay Facebook page or visit her MaryKay page : )
There is still time to enter my GIANT DIAPER GIVEAWAY if you or someone you know could use 140 newborn diapers! Entering is easy!!
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