Hi there! Happy Friday!!
My little family was out of town the past few days and I thought it would be a great time to show off some pictures of my loves!
Connor (1) and Hailey (3) just being adorable cuddlebugs in a bed in the hotel room : )
The hubster being a balance pro at The Hands On Museum in Ann Arbor ; )
Yours truly showing off my quick reaction time! ; )
Hailey “Hearing the Beat” : ) : )
Connor hanging out at a restaurant : ) : )
My Hailey doll getting a haircut!!!! Her FIRST haircut : )
Connor at a restaurant again ; ) He is just too cute not to photograph!
Hailey cruising at the mall!!
Thank you for letting me share my family with you! I hope that you enjoyed these pictures and that you have a wonderful weekend!! Thanks for reading : )