Hi there! Happy Monday!
I got curtain bangs in early summer, and now I have a more extreme curtain bang, and I love it. Today I wanted to share with you how I style them.

How-To Style Curtain Bangs
I style my curtain bangs the same whether I wear the rest of my hair down, curled, straight, or pulled back. I use my favorite drugstore heat protectant and then a straightener (*note: This is not my straighener, but I had a T3 for years and it was my favorite). I hold about a 1-inch section of my bang (I usually do each side of the part separately but you can do it all at once for a quick one-and-done) straight up and go straight up above my head with the flat iron and then flick my wrist up at the very end of the hair. That’s it. I spray with my favorite hairspray and let it set for a bit before I run my hands to fix them.