Hi there! Happy Wednesday!
My scheduled post decided to somehow unschedule itself, so if Monday’s post got to your email late I apologize! I have yet to miss a blog post in almost two years, but now I’ve officially had a late one…for those of you who know me know admitting this makes me *cringe*. But hey, it’s 2016, and one of my goals that you’ll read about below is patience, so that should include with myself? RIGHT?! For the past 5+ years I have written out my New Year’s resolutions and they have been lofty, but I haven’t stuck to them like I would like. So, this year I decided to share my three New Year’s resolutions, or as I’ve decided I’m going to call them “goals”, with you to hold myself accountable. If you’d like to leave yours in the comments or send them to me via social media, please feel free to do so!
Leah’s New Year’s Goals 2016:
*Image from XNSpy.com
1. Instagram More Regularly
This may seem like a silly goal to a lot of you, but as someone who has a blog and YouTube channels, I want to be better about sharing on Instagram because I know that is a hugely popular social media forum. I love Instagram, but I want my feed to reflect myself, my blog, my message, and have a theme.
2. Blog and YouTube Improvements/Learning/Love/Growth
I want to continue to create reliable, consistent, and quality work for all of you on both this blog, as well as my YouTube channel, and my family Daily Vlog channel.
3. Have More Patience
I want to have more patience with my children, my husband, and myself. And just patience in general.
If you’d like me to check in or follow up with my progress, I would be more than happy to do so! This post is for me to make myself stay accountable, and for you to see some raw honest real-life resolution/goal setting. If I can do it, you totally can do it!! I hope your 2016 is THE BEST year yet!