Hi there! Happy Belated Post. I enjoyed Monday 12/26 with family but didn’t want to miss a post. I never missed a post in 2014 (I started with 3 posts/week, then down to 2, and eventually 1 but I’ve never missed!) I hope you had a wonderful Christmas if you celebrate! And a joyous last week of 2022.

Chritsmas Outfits 2022
For Christmas Eve we went to mass with our dear friends and then to dinner at a Mexican restaurant. I t was certainly different than our plans but a snowstorm changed things and we ended up having a wonderful time!
Swiss Dot Top (I DIYed this by adding a velvet bow)
Hanna Anderson Family PJs (the absolute best of the best. Stephan and I have had the same pair for YEARS and size the kids up, and I love it because they always have this print so it’s easy peasy + oh so cozy!)
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