Hi there! Happy Monday!
I hope that you had a fantastic weekend! Thank you for taking time out of your crazy Monday to read my little blog : )
On March 25th our middle son, Connor, graduated from his Intensive Feeding Program. Connor has major eating delays, and this program helped him tremendously. It was very hard. Connor, his little brother Logan, and I stayed 200 miles away from home every week and Connor and I attended clinic from 8a.m-4p.m Monday-Friday. It was emotional. It was exhausting. And it was worth it. If you’re interested in seeing what exactly he eats I discuss it in this daily vlog video, but today I just want to share a couple of pictures of Connor’s big graduation celebration! Miss Kaitlyn, if you’re reading this Connor misses you and this is your moment ; )
We are so proud of you! You are a totally different kid than when you started the clinic in the beginning of February! We have a long journey ahead, but we are so thrilled with your hard work and progress! You did such a fantastic job and adapted fabulously! You are a champ! Always!
We love you so!
Mommy (and Daddy, Hailey, and Lo Lo!)
Note: Food pictured was for the parents and staff ; ) The kiddos at the feeding clinic can’t eat these donuts!
Thank you again for reading! Please subscribe to help support our journey! Thank you! xo