Hi there! Happy Monday!
In my pre-children life I got my nails done on a semi regular basis (never have been a once/week girl, but wouldn’t that be the dream?!) but now I can count the number of times since becoming a mother that I’ve gotten to the nail salon on one hand…sad, I know. I do love doing my nails, and since I’ve been doing them at home for years now I’ve found a few tricks that really give me salon fresh nails without the salon. Today I want to share one of my favorite items with you.
ncLA So Rich Vitamin-E Enriched Cuticle Oil
Why I Love It
The combination of the beautiful glass bottle with dropper, the beautiful fruity smell, and the fresh from the salon look that this gives my nails is luxurious. I love that using this feels like something special, but it isn’t a hassle because it absorbs quickly into the skin. A little bit goes a long way, so just a drop on each nail is plenty. Vitamin E is fantastic for your nails, cuticles, and nail beds and this helps keep the skin around my nails looking and feeling wonderful.
My Routine
I like to use this in the evenings once or twice a week after I’ve done my nighttime skincare routine. I usually will put on my hand cream and then apply this to my nail beds. I do find this to absorb very quickly, but I try to give myself several minutes where I don’t have to touch anything so that I’m allowing ample time for in to sink in.
Be sure to tell me your nail favorites in the comments! And don’t forget to follow me SnapChat (@LeahTackles on all social media!) to see my daily picks and favorites : ) Thank you for being here! xx