Hi there! Happy Monday!
It’s been quite the month for Millennials vs. Gen Z when it comes to fashion. I am a millennial, and while my part isn’t dead center, I am with Gen Z for jeans…I prefer mom jeans, kick flares, and straight legs these days. And, a “new” item this spring is giving me all of the Friends and Clueless vibes, is the “shacket” which essentially is a large, thicker button-up top; think a flannel top or a corduroy.
Affordable Shacket

I really loved the look of the oversized shirt worn over a fitted tee tucked into jeans, but I didn’t want to invest in anything too expensive. I found this oversized button-down “shirt jacket”, a.k.a shacket, on Amazon and the price was right. I love the neutral color, and it’s a great piece to transition into spring. I wore it with a shirt that was the same color and loved the monochrome look.

Have you tried this look? What do you think about the return to this 90’s style?
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