Hi there! Happy Monday! Or, like I said to my husband this morning, Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve Eve ; )
I mentioned recently that I canceled both my Ipsy Glam Bag and PopSugar Must Have box subscriptions and I think I’ve found a great box to replace them. Peaches & Petals reached out to me and asked me if I would be interested in getting a box for consideration for review and after checking our their adorable website, I jumped at the chance! If you need a LAST MINUTE GIFT idea, definitely consider gifting a subscription to Peaches & Petals! If you use the code LEAHPEACH you can get 50% off your first box.
Peaches & Petals December Box:
Kimono Style Silk Peacock Robe
This is so beautiful!! I have been wanting a silky robe to wear after a bubble bath or while doing at-home spa treatments, and this is perfect! The peacock print is so fun, and not something I would have picked out myself but now I’m loving it!
Lindt Milk Chocolate Truffle Bar
I *know* I love these! I am saving this for Christmas morning ; ) Yes, morning!
C. Booth Lavender Mineral Bath Soak
I haven’t used this yet, but it smells sooo nice! I think I will try this out tonight.
Emerald Necklace & Earring Jewelry Set
This is my favorite thing in the whole box! The necklace gives you that layered necklace look with just one piece of jewelry (*Note: Be careful! I tangled mine but got it out quickly and hung it up) that is so on-trend right now. And the emerald stud earrings? IN LOVE! I am wearing them as I type! They are stunning and remind me of something I would find at J-Crew.
Spa Bella Hot or Cold Rejuvenating Eye Mask
I had misplaced my gel eye mask, so I was happy to see this in the box! I need to make time for myself to use this.
Overall I think for $14.99 this box is INCREDIBLE! And getting a box 50% off of that is even better! This link is a discount for you, but not a payment for me! I won’t make money if you purchase : ) As always, all opinions are 100% my own. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments, or contact one of the gals at Peaches & Petals! They’re super sweet and I know would be happy to answer any questions you might have.
I hope you have a wonderful start to your week!! Thank you for reading! Please don’t forget to share and subscribe!!