Hi there! Happy Wednesday!
The last time I remember having real, proper, wear them while building a snow fort snow boots was when I was in high school! I remember having a pink pair of Columbia boots that I wore the last time I really and truly rolled around in the snow, made snow angels, and buried my then 10 year old brother (he’s 21 now…yikes!) in a pile of snow. I kept those same boots in the trunk of my car for years, but somewhere in the shuffle of moving in and out of the dorms, apartments, sorority house, and more apartments in college, they went missing. Since then I have had older Ugg boots that I’ve worn to play with the kids, but every year I’ve waited too long to order boots and they sell out. Finally, this year, I got smart and ordered the Sorel boots I’ve been lusting after for several seasons. So this year I’ll be fully prepared to make snowmen (100 snowmen, according to my 4 year old), snow angels, and snow forts with my little ones.
And with that little story, here are my PERFECT winter boots!
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend!! Please make my day and subscribe : )