Hi there! Happy Monday!
Today my youngest, my baby, is one! I cannot believe that our youngest is already a whole year old! I am so grateful that we started daily vlogging so that we have so much footage of the second half of his first year! And let’s be real, he was well documented his entire first year : )
Happy Birthday LoLo! You amaze & entertain us every day! We are so grateful that we had a change of heart, and that our forever plan of two kids changed to three. You are determined, sweet, serious, and tough! And then out of nowhere you’ll do something that cracks us up. We cannot wait to keep watching you grow, and we know you’ll do amazing things! But don’t grow up *too* fast, okay? <3
We love you so,
Mommy (and Daddy, Hailey, and Connor)
*Note: Picture credit to Brooke Ashley Snow Photography!
Thank you for reading!! Have a beautiful week! And if you have snow like we do, STAY SAFE!! xx
P.S Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and help me stay accountable!! I promised to up my Instagram game this year!