Hi there! Happy Monday!
Over the past few weeks I have been testing out some skincare items from the company Rodan + Fields. If the name sounds familiar to you, that’s because it is developed by the same doctors who brought us ProActiv Solution years ago. The Rodan + Fields line was a top seller in department stores like Bloomingdales and Nordstrom, but the creators decided to pull the line when they realized that most of the people purchasing Rodan + Fields were learning about it via word-of-mouth. Now Rodan + Fields products are sold like MaryKay on a direct sales format.
This product was sent to me, but as always I will never accept money in exchange for a positive review! All of the thoughts are my own, and if I am sent a product that I do not like I will either not talk about it at all, or tell you what I thought! I want to be a reliable source for you, and I do my best!
Initial Thoughts On the Company:
There are SOOO MANY direct sale lines out right now…jewelry, tupperware, skincare, makeup, unmentionables…you name it! And sometimes I’ll admit that I roll my eyes when I hear about yet another one, but skincare is something I’m caring about more and more as I get older, and I loved right off the bat the many different options for all skin types and ages that Rodan + Fields offers. I then started reading other peoples reviews and the company history, and decided it was worth another look.
About My Skin:
Firstly it should be stated that pregnancy can absolutely change the way your skin behaves, and after pregnancy the horomone changes can make your skin react crazy as well! I was very lucky to have great (for me) skin during Logan’s pregnancy, and have had a few breakouts since his birth but so far it’s been (knock on wood) manageable. I am in that funky phase where I still get oily on my t-zone, my nose especially, but I’m also battling fine lines and wrinkles now that I’m approaching my late 20’s (I am 27 for another 5 weeks & I’m hanging onto that counting as mid 20’s!)
This is far and away my favorite of the 3 products I tried! I absolutely adore this! A little goes a long way, and I immediately noticed a beautiful glow and improved texture. You can use this without water for a more heavy exfoliation (my prefered way, 3 times/week) or use it with water for a more gentle approach. If you can only try one item from Rodan + Fields, this is far and away the star for me of the 3 I sampled! This did not cause breakouts or inflamation, but with that said my skin handles even professional in-spa micro-dermabrasion treatments without issue.
This made my skin feel like silk immediately after application! I noticed that my makeup applied beautifully the next day as well. I did find that my skin felt a tad dry after, so I followed the optional direction of using a tad of moisturizer after applying this. I loved the way it made my skin feel, and I would love to try using it in the future, but because I only had a small sample I am not sure if it would be holy grail status for me or not. But did I enjoy it? Absolutely!
I have talked quite a bite recently about how horribly dry my lips have been! I haven’t worn lipstick, with the exception of Christmas parties, in months! At first I wasn’t sure if I liked this any better than my regular chapsticks, but after using this consistently for several days in a row I noticed that my lips felt very soft and as crazy as it sounds they looked a bit more naturaly red or rosy but without the uncomfortable sting/ tingle that some lip plumping products have. This is pricy, but I do think that is works. I would buy this in the future and think it would be fabulous to use leading up to a big event! And hello, wedding season is fast approaching!
Kristy Ownby made me feel *totally* comfortable discussing my skincare concerns and target areas, and was very informative to all of my questions! If I’m reviewing something for you guys, I make it really clear that I am going to ask alllll sorts of stuff, and she was up to the challenge. In talking with Kristy I have found a few other items that I am super tempted to try! She mentioned that the Pore Minimizing Toner is like spanx for your face…umm hello that sounds RIGHT up my ally! And the Redefine Cleansing Mask which should combat any oil..anyone who gets oily knows that anything that can stop that must be tried!
Be sure to tell her that LeahTackles sent you ; )
Thank you for reading and please don’t forget to share this on social media! Every “share”, “follow”, “pin”, and “like” help me out…and it’s super easy with the social media button links at the bottom of every post!! I love you all!