Hi there! Happy Monday!
I hope that you had a great weekend! Last year I had the opportunity to work with Pfizer Consumer Healthcare and I spoke about how as a beauty blogger I share on my blog (that’s right here!), my beauty and lifestyle YouTube channel, and on my social media a lot of “picture perfect” versions of reality. Are these pictures fake? No, not exactly, I do share things that I love and pictures of my family, but of course these are just the edited, carefully selected pictures not including the background clutter, poor lighting, and general chaos that is also going on! Today I would like to lift the veil a bit again and remind you that it’s really smoke and mirrors. This post has been sponsored by Pfizer Consumer Healthcare and as always all thoughts and opinions are my own. I would never accept money in exchange for a positive review.
Plan Ahead Tips
I try to always arm myself with the basics *before* a cold makes it’s way to our house because with three young kids, two who are in school, and one who is always along for the ride for drop offs, shopping trips, and extracurricular activities, sickness is inevitable.
- Have healthy snacks that you can grab and your kids can grab to try to “pack” them with as many vitamins as possible to fight off the “Ew”. *Tip: If you’re having a rough day, gummy fruit snack packs have a lot of vitamin C so ignore the mom guilt and toss them a fun snack ; )
- Teach good hand washing habits and make a hand washing chart to hang in your bathroom! We laminated our chart so that we can use dry-erase markers to mark down good hand washing habits each week.
- Try to pack lunches, brief cases, backpacks, and snacks the night before! Also pick out clothes ahead of time for both yourself and your child! I find if I pick out a nice outfit the night before I am more likely to rock it the next day instead of grabbing for something comfy and less put together when I’m sleepy that morning!
- Don’t be the mom running to the store at 11 O’Clock at night frantically reading boxes of medicine trying to find what you need, have your medicine cabinet stocked ahead of time. Seriously, this took me awhile to actually do but it makes such a difference and you’ll thank me later when you’ve gotten a decent night of sleep even with a sick kiddo ; )
My daughter is five (and a half!) and recently she came home from school and pretty much started throwing a tantrum that could put her toddler brother to shame, so I figured she just needed a little connecting with mom after being at school all day, but when I came back to the couch and found her nearly asleep before 4P.M I knew something was up! Sure enough, she turned down some of her favorite dinner choices, flushed, and got a fever. My dad, a retired M.D, has always suggested Children’s Advil® to me over other brands, and he has turned me into a bit of a brand snob about it because it works great for all three of my children. Below in this post I include information about three of my go-to Pfizer Consumer Healthcare products.
Recognizing the “Ew”
Did you know that playground equipment in the shade carriers more bacteria because the suns ultraviolet rays kill bacteria? How about that only half of students wash their hands after using the bathroom-and of those who do many don’t use soap? Desks in classrooms often have more germs than a toilet seat and if eating at the desk occurs that number of germs multiples. Kids often touch 20 objects per minute and touch their face as many as 50 times per hour. Do you or your child use an iPad? The screen on an iPad has up to 192 million bacteria.
“I Need To Use a Sick Day, Boss”
Parents miss 126 MILLION workdays annually caring for a sick child which amounts to 40 BILLION dollars lost.
Find out more on the Sick just got real.™ website!
Information about Pfizer Pediatric products
Kids get sick no matter how much you do to prevent it. The pediatric brands of Pfizer Consumer Healthcare are there with three solutions – Children’s Advil®, Children’s inevitable ® and Children’s Dimetapp® – to tackle the “ew”iest of symptoms.
Ease those aches and pains, while reducing a child’s fever fast with Children’s Advil®, a great solution for kids as young as 2 and up to 11. Children’s Advil® comes in several great-tasting flavors, including: Sugar-free Dye-free Berry, Bubble Gum, Grape, Blue Raspberry, Fruit and Dye-Free White Grape flavors. There’s also Infants’ Advil® White Grape, which provides unsurpassed fever relief (among OTC pain relievers) with a syringe for easy dosing for children 6-23 months.
For your child’s cough, trust Children’s Robitussin® Extended-Release 12 Hour Cough Relief to control and relieve symptoms all-day or all- night. Available in grape or orange flavor, for children ages 4 and up. Please note that while most Children’s Robitussin® products can be used starting at age 4, some are only for children age 6 and up.
Children’s Dimetapp® Multi-Symptom Cold Relief Dye-Free eases your child’s stuffy and runny nose, while quieting a bothersome cough. All in a great-tasting grape flavor that’s dye-free, for children 6 and up.
If you would like to win a $25 Visa gift card and additional Pfizer Pediatric products please enter my giveaway!
Giveaway Rules
-Must be 18 years old
– Must be a United States resident
-Must be subscribed to this blog (it’s easy!)
-Must comment on this post! Tell me a story about #WhenSickGotReal in your house!
-Must “like” Sick just got real.™ Facebook page
-Must “like” LeahTackles Facebook page
Bonus Entry Opportunities
-Follow LeahTackles Instagram
-Follow LeahTacklesBeauty Instagram
– “Pin” this blog post to your Pinterest and follow LeahTackles Pinterest
This giveaway ends on March 8, 2017 and the giveaway winner will be contacted by me. The giveaway winner will have 24 hours to respond before I randomly select a new winner.