Hi there! Happy Monday!
The sun is shining here today which is making this week start off right! I hope the sun is shining where you are, too. I try to be reasonably healthy, and during the week it’s usually pretty easy for me, but the weekends are filled with a lot more temptation. Because of that, I start almost every Monday morning off with some sort of healthy breakfast smoothie. I have always loved smoothies, and would buy them occasionally, but that got pricy! My husband and I got a Ninja Professional Blender with Single Serve for Christmas this past year and I started making smoothies at home. If you would like a review or more information on the Ninja Blender, please leave me a comment (click the link next to the title of this post), or find me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! I like that I know what’s going in my smoothie when I make it at home. I also like that I can get so many fruit and veggie servings in so easily. Today I want to share two simple smoothies with you that I have been making on a regular basis.
Serves 2
Prep Time: 3 Minutes
Blend Time: 1 Minute
What you need:
A blender
A glass
A straw *optional
1 cup of orange juice (any juice you prefer is fine)
1/3 cup strawberry greek yogurt (regular yogurt is also fine or a different flavor)
1/2 of a ripe banana
1/2 cup of ice
1/2 cup of frozen fruit (I used a strawberry and banana mix)
Add everything into your blender and blend until smooth. Enjoying with a fun straw is completely necessary!
Serves 2
Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Blend Time: 1 Minute
What you need:
A blender
A glass
A straw *optional
1 ripe banana
5 strawberries ( fresh is best but frozen is also okay)
1/4 cup raspberries ( fresh is best but frozen is also okay)
1/2 cup almond milk (regular milk is also fine)
1/2 cup granola
Blend the fruit and the milk until smooth. Pour your smoothie into a glass and top with the granola. I usually eat this with a spoon at first before switching to a (fun!) straw.
Finally, take a mandatory silly picture showing how much you’re enjoying your smoothie!
Okay, that’s it! I hope you enjoy these easy smoothie recipes!! Please comment (click the link next to the title of this post) or find me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram if you try either of these recipes out or would like to see other smoothie recipes! I have some with veggies, protein powder…and I could always do a dessert smoothie as well! I hope your week is off to an amazing start! Thank you for being here as always, and please share and subscribe if you’ve enjoyed this post!