Hi There! Happy Friday!
Today I am very excited to be reviewing the May 2014 PopSugar Must Have Box! Some people read spoilers…maybe that is why you are here reading this?!…but I prefer to be surprised! The box contains full size items in all different categories:food, beauty, fashion, home, and usually an extra goodie of some kind, too. The PopSugar box usually arrives between the 10th-15th of every month for me…it ships via FedEx Smart Post, which means it goes out FedEx but arrives to my P.O Box.
I will quickly go over the items from my April 2014 PopSugar Must Have Box first, and then dig into the May box!
Product titles are also links for more information or to buy online.
Must Have Food:
PopSugar Must Have Mix from Nature Box
Verdict: I LOVED THIS!! I wish I could buy this at my local grocery store. YUM! I still haven’t gotten a subscription for Nature Box yet, but I want to!
Must Have Home:
Caldrea Rosewater Driftwood Liquid Hand Soap
Verdict: I haven’t used this yet because we have been using up what we have, but it smells lovely and I can’t wait to try it.
Must Have Beauty:
Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette
Verdict: My orignal palette came with a broken shadow, but PopSugar quickly replaced my palette. I love this little palette, and have been getting a lot of use out of it.
Must Have Fashion:
(XO) Echo Shopper Collapsable Tote Bag from Lauren Conrad for Blue Avocado (*Similar)
Verdict: I really love this! It still hasn’t made it to the farmers market, but as soon as ours opens up, this bag will be heading there : )
Must Have Home:
Pocket Notes from Graphic Image
Verdict: I used this immediately! It is so adorable and I love it.
Must Have Home:
TOTALLY AWESOME: 80’s Sayings Tea Towel Set by Fresh Pastry Stand (an etsy.com site)
Verdict: I have used these a little bit, and they are pretty cute! I like the summery colors!
Must Have Beauty:
Smell Bent St. Tropez Dispenser
$45 Value
This smells just like sun screen, salt, coconut…basically a day at the beach in the bottle! This may not be a favorite for everybody, but I LOVE it! It doesn’t seem to last super long on the skin, so that is a bit of a downside, and the bottle is glass so if you wanted to take it in your bag you’d have to consider that. I can’t wait to wear it this summer!!
Must Have Home:
Kerry Cassill Eye Mask (*Similar)
$24 Value
This is really pretty, and I needed a new eye mask, so I will happily use it!
Must Have Fitness:
$15 Value
I really like workout DVDs because with two little loves running around, I don’t get to the gym very often anymore! I use our treadmill the most consistently, and I like to change up my DVD workouts. This DVD features the ladies from Bravo’s Toned Up, which I have never seen but have heard about. Has anyone watched Toned Up? Have you tried the Tone It Up DVDs? I would love to hear from you! Please comment and let me know : )
Must Have Home:
$17 Value
This is my favorite thing in the box!! I was *so* excited when I saw it!! In my April Beauty Favorites I mentioned that I have been drinking lemon water every morning recently, so the timing on this couldn’t be more perfect. You can press lemons, limes, or other citrus fruits into your water. Love!
Must Have Beauty:
Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Pool Boy Nail Lacquer
$10 Value
This is such a pretty color for spring and summer! This is 100% vegan and cruelty free. I already put it on my nails and I love it!
Must Have Food:
Hi I’m Skinny Sticks Multi-Grain Sweet Onion
I was excited when I saw these, but I unfortunately really didn’t like them. They do have adorable packaging though! I think that if these were savory flavor I would have liked them, but a sweet flavor just wasn’t doing it for me. I sent these to work with my husband, so they hopefully won’t go to waste!
At first glance, I thought this was a fairly small box, but that being said I really enjoy the items in this months PopSugar Must Have Box! This box has a value of $115 and besides the Hi I’m Skinny Sticks, I know that I will use everything in the box. As always, well worth the $39. Do you subscribe to PopSugar? Do you subscribe to any other subscription boxes? Please comment (click the link by the title of this post) or find me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! Please subscribe by entering your email into the subscription box on the right hand of this screen and you’ll only get emails when I post something new : )
PHEW! SUPER LONG!!! But thank you for reading : ) Also, don’t forget to check out my column, Leah’s Friday Five, on Pearls and Pastries Shop Blog! There is a new post up today!!