Hi there! Happy Monday!
I hope that your week is off to a fantastic start so far! Today is my daughters last day of school (HOW is she going to be in second grade next year? How?!) and that means in a few short hours we will officially be on summer vacation! I know they’ll drive me crazy, but I love having my Little Loves home with me!
I was contacted by someone who works with SW Sunglass Warehouse and asked if I’d like to pick out a few pairs of sunglasses for my consideration for review. I was excited to try out some different styles, and because I tend to prefer more expensive sunglasses, I thought the affordable price point of SW Sunglass Warehouse would be a great way to test them out.
My Thoughts
I pride myself on always being 100% honest with you, because without your trust what would this blog be? A whole lot of nothing! So, I am going to remain 100% honest and say that overall I am not impressed. My first impression was that they seemed flimsy and cheaply made. I will say the plastic frame pair is nice and will probably survive far after the others have hit the wastebasket. I do think that if you are interested in a specific look or style of frame this *could* be a way to try it out before splurging on a more expensive pair. I honestly have seen sunglasses at gas stations and Walmart that are the same price but seem of better quality. I will list some of my other sunglass suggestions below.
SW Sunglass Warehouse Sunglasses
Where do you shop for sunglasses? Do you wear one pair all the time or change it up?
Thank you, as always, for reading! I hope you have a fantastic week!
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