Hi there! Happy Wednesday!
I can’t believe I’m about to type this, but Christmas shopping is right around the corner! So, today I want to share the Sit-to-Stand Ultimate Alphabet Train with you because we have been enjoying it SO much in our house. Hailey is 4, Connor is 2, and Logan is 7 months old and all of them have been able to use it.
*Note: I was contacted by VTech and asked if I would like to review a few of their toys. I recieved four toys for consideration for honest reviews and was not paid to review any of them. Links are NOT affiliate links and are provided solely for your conveinence! A.K.A I do not get any money if you purchase ; ) Also, I apologize for the poor picture quality, but these are action shots!
-10 Activities that help teach letters, numbers, and colors
-Helps with fine motor skills with the storybook, clock, gears, and 13 double-sided letters that can snap into the side of the train to learn letters.
-The “caboose” converts into a wagon that can be filled up with toys and used as a pull toy
-Helps with gross motor skills when using as a ride on toy, push walker, or pull toy
-Target age is 12-36 months
Hailey, age 4, likes to use the letter blocks to work on letter sounds, and word formation. She also is interested in the clock and now wants to learn how to tell time!
Connor, age 2, LOVES to ride his train! He immediately claimed this as his (he is the only one of my kids who fits into the targeted age right now) and uses it all day long! I love that he practices his fine motor skills while not even knowing it, because he is a go-go-go little guy who usually gets bored pretty fast.
Logan, 7 months, likes to sit by the train and work on cause-and-effect as the lights and sounds go at the touch of a button. I know soon he will be walking behind it and riding on it!
-Appeals to all 3 of my kids!
-So many toys in one! This is such a multi-purpose toy
-Easy to assemble and very sturdy
-This is a large toy, so consider storage (I rotate our toys so the kids never get bored and my house isn’t overtaken!)
-It’s a somewhat pricy toy
I really do love this toy! We already have the VTech Sit-to-Stand Learning Walker (which I purchased long before I was blogging with my own money!), so I hadn’t planned on purchasing a new one for Logan, but I am THRILLED we recieved this! Connor especially absolutely adores this thing! Each one of the kids uses this daily and I love that it engages them all together! That isn’t an easy task! And like I said it *is* a little bulky, but how cute would it look as the “big gift” for a birthday or under ther tree? I think VTech does a great job because the kids seem to really love the toys, and because of that use them enough to learn with them.
Please let me know some of your favorite gifts for kids or what you have on your holiday shopping lists! If you found this helpful please feel free to share! Thank you all for your support!