Hi there! Happy Wednesday!
How are you doing today? Let me know in the comments and tell me one thing you’re excited or happy about right now! It can be anything, I am happy because my middle little love, Connor, had an amazing time on his first ever field trip and I got to tag along : )
Now, today I want to chat with you about something that I am sure we all can agree we know is probably not very good for our skin, but we have all been guilty of doing. Is sleeping in your makeup really bad? Why is sleeping in your makeup bad?
It Causes More Free Radical Exposure
Sleeping in your makeup can leave your skin vulnerable to unnecessary free radical exposure. What are free radicals? We have all heard of them, but what ARE they? Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with an odd number of electrons (which means they have no pair) and can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. Once formed these highly reactive radicals could start a chain reaction. You know how antioxidants are so good for you and “antioxidant” is a hyped up word on foods and skincare? That is because antioxidants can help combat these free radicals. Phew, you didn’t think this would be a science class, huh?
What About Sleeping In Eye Makeup Only?
Sleeping in your eye makeup wouldn’t hurt though, right? Sleeping in mascara, eyeliner, or eye shadow can irritate your eyes and cause itchy, watery, or red eyes. Sleeping in your eye makeup probably wouldn’t cause issues if you did it once or twice, but if it becomes a habit it could lead to infections called styes because the oil glands and hair follicles could clog.
Sleeping in makeup, especially foundation and primers, can also clog your pores which can lead to bacteria that causes acne.
This is the biggy for me now that I’m in what I affectionately call “The 30 Club”. Sleeping in your makeup causes free radicals to remain on your skin, and this can cause collagen breakdown…seriously, I need to put that in caps, COLLAGEN BREAKDOWN, which causes premature fine lines, wrinkles, and aging skin. If that isn’t enough to get your to give your skin a chance to breathe, I don’t know what is.
So, do you sleep in makeup? Full disclosure, in college I slept in my makeup a ton, basically anytime I went out (which was a fair amount, sorry mom) and my skin was never better…but now that I’m in my new age demo, I am all about the makeup remover life, and never skip my nighttime skincare routine.
Thank you for reading and have a wonderful weekend!! xx
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