Hi there! Happy Monday!
As many of us have switched to remote work amidst the pandemic, and although I always work from home my kids aren’t always at home, so I’ve found myself clutching to my boundary setting more than ever. My favorite boundary is absolutely my morning routine, and today I’d like to share how it is changed my life, and is a way that I feel more beautiful (inside and out).

Why YOU Need a Morning Routine
A morning routine helps to set the tone (a.k.a your mood) for your entire day. A morning routine allows you to figure out how you’re feeling, before social media, the news, or a work email tell you how to feel. A morning routine helps you to prioritize your schedule, and ensure that you have some times for you, no matter how chaotic your schedule may be.
How a Morning Routine Makes You More Beautiful
By giving yourself 10-20 minutes every morning, you are also giving everyone you interact with a happier, more present, and kinder version of yourself. I also find that when I give myself time in the morning, and have prepped the evening before for a couple of minutes (as described in my mini-course) I choose outfits that make me feel more beautiful outwardly, and I have time to put on some makeup and style my hair.
Morning Routine Roapmap Mini-Course

Do you have a morning routine? NOW YOU DO!
Watch My Latest Live YouTube Video
Boundary Setting For Entrepreneurs
Social Media Management and Coaching
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