Hi there! Happy Wednesday!
I hope that you’re day is off to a fantastic start! Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my blog : ) One of the easiest ways to look prettier is by having the whites around your eyes white, you know as opposed to red and tired, and the longterm way to do that is by eating healthy and getting more sleep. Do you ever promise yourself you’ll go to bed earlier or that you’ll squeeze in a power nap but you never seem to make it happen? Me too, so today I want to share trick I use when I want to look more rested and more beautiful. *Note: You’re pretty just as you are, but who doesn’t look better when they look more awake?
You may already been familier with the trick of lining your lower waterline with a nude or white eyeliner to make your eyes look brighter, but to really change the appearance of the whites of your eyes the quicked fix is a redness relief eye drop.
My Routine
I don’t use redness eye drops daily, but I will grab them on days when I know that my eyes look tired or red, and they instantly make me look less like a walking mombie and more like a semi-awake human mom. Because I am not an optometrist I want you to read this to make sure that you’re doing what is medically sound for youself, but because these are an over-the-counter drop for redness I have no issue using them for their intended purpose on occasion. I love using this trick especially before having my picture taken or before I’m on video.
Have you tried this trick before? Let us know! Have a wonderful rest of your week! Don’t forget to subscribe for a new post on Monday: )
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